Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Blog, Old Fuzz..

I don't think I can remember the last time that I wrote a blog, but believe me.. It has been too long. Yes, secure your ass to the chair and your eyes to the screen. Rejoice my Fuzzles, for yes the time has come.. And I have returned to rant and rave :D Where to begin, oh where to begin, where there is soo much tyranny (is it tie-ranny or tier-anny?)Hmmm.. There's one thing to add to my list of things to debate later lol.. Umm neways, yeah.. Well, what a month it has been. Dammit, it just occured to me that although I just signed up for this blog, I also have a blog available to me on my social networking site :D I haven't had much time to work on it very much, but stay tuned and there will be many updates on many projects on these pages. Been doing a lot of design work lately, some site design stuff, some book stuff, finishing up work on the final covers for the worldwide publication of my book, Whispered Dreams; Poetry from the edge. (Lulu link to be added). As well, once I upload and approve this final copy, the book will be available through any book retailer, both online and offline. Wow, it must be sunday.. When I first started writing, I had a flurry of ideas, and all of a sudden now... BLAAAHHH... Ahh well, I guess I won't go on a furious tirade for my reunion appearance into the blogging world. Ciao for now.

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