Saturday, July 25, 2009

Save Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles..

Starting off the revamp of the blog, been away for a bit due to lack of internet access at home. I as well as many other fans, have been outraged over the ludicrous decision to cancel this show, and renew the pile of crap known as Dollhouse. It's IMHO that the show was kept simply because it's a creation of Joss Whedon. Well, guess what Fox.. Buffy and Angel are GONE!! Living it up in comic book form. They say that (insert word) is the sincerest form of flattery, well the success of those shows can't be copied. He had a good thing going, and this one is unfortunately a bomb.. Below is an excerpt of the email I sent out to Kevin Reilly, president of Fox Broadcasting..

Good afternoon.

I am writing as a longtime viewer of Fox programming, and it is
with sadness that I feel I can no longer enjoy quality programming
because of a lack of just that coming from your company. There is a
lot of outrage and feelings of frustration from many fans in my area,
including myself, and I represent myself and several friends who are
here with me at this time. I do not think it was a smart choice to
renew the dollhouse series, despite the claims being made and/or
reported on several websites. Because the real truth here, is that it
was renewed because it's a "Joss Whedon" production, and not because
it has a loyal fanbase, or is even a reasonably decent show. I tried
several attempts to watch this show without prejudice, and the four
times I tried, I was barely able to stomach even 10 minutes of this
show. I understand that in this day and age, times are tough and
money is tight, but should not a company take pride in the products
they produce? I feel you have lost your pride in this fine show, and
along with many other fans, I feel ripped off with the season 2 ending
as it did. I also disagree with your statements that the show had
"ended it's run". How do you end the run of a show when there is so
much potential still there? The least consideration that your company
should have done is sold the rights of the show to another company or
channel, so that way it could continue and perhaps find even more
success, since it seems there is a lack of vision towards it within
your company. I do hope you will take into consideration, sales of
dvds and blu-ray discs, and perhaps a revival of the show could be
possible, as that is a hope held by many fans of the series. I know
that I am only one fan, but I feel I speak for many, not only here in
Canada, but all over the world. Please take these things into
consideration, It's a risk that would be worthwhile and very
profitable, if handled correctly. Thank you for your time, and I hope
you and the other executives and anyone else involved in programming
or show management will take the voices of the fans into


So.. It seems the fans are speaking up all over the internet. With Season 2 of TSCC being released on dvd and blu-ray in a month, it's a wonder if high volumes being purchased will perhaps spur a revival of the show? Only time and sales will tell..
